
The art of conversation: how to win the hearts of interlocutors

In conversations with loved ones, colleagues and friends, we often fall into a routine, discussing only specific details tagalog to english paragraph translator or something in general, although we can find deeper, more interesting topics to discuss. Let’s learn speech etiquette!

So what to do?

Listen more, talk less
It may sound ridiculous, but the art of conversation is not to talk a lot, but to listen carefully, with interest. When listening to another, we usually think about what we will say in response – but if you notice such a feature in yourself, turn off your “internal dialogue”. People generally like to talk about themselves – give them the opportunity and enjoy the process “passively”.

Focus on the interlocutor
Talk about what is important to a person, ask really interesting and thoughtful questions. !Remember the universal “taboo” – “religion, politics, sex.” And at the same time try to talk about what is really interesting to you.

“It takes two to tango”
Don’t forget the “first come first served” basis: a conversation is a “group project” in which everyone participates and contributes. This is not the time for a monologue. If you suddenly notice that you are talking for several minutes “alone”, in the absence of “signs of life” from other people, then you have taken a dominant position – give way to someone else. Or another example: someone from those around you leaves, and you don’t even remember his name – what a bad manners! It’s time to change tactics…

Think before speaking urdu to english
Most of the “awkward” moments occur because of rash words. In order not to suddenly offend the interlocutor, avoid value judgments. So, for example, instead of asking “Our mayor is a total idiot, do you agree?”, say “What do you think about the mayor’s plans (regarding the construction of a new district)?”. Also bypass purely personal topics and questions.

Small talk is the key
“Small talk” is a small introduction that precedes the conversation – “talking about this and that”, about the weather, mutual acquaintances – an integral part of the culture of speech etiquette in English-speaking countries.

Don’t load with negativity
Negative statements about others – “What a terrible sweater the owner has!”, “Oh, modern children!” – do not play in your favor. As they say, “there is no second chance to make a first impression” and if you create an image of a disgruntled grumbler, it will be difficult to change it.

Use “open” questions

Happy young university students studying with books in library. Group of multiracial people in college library.

Questions that require more than just yes or no answers and lead to a productive discussion.

What NOT to do? Do not interrupt
You can interrupt the person “directly” or start speaking with the words “Returning to what was said before …” or “As I said before …”, thus emphasizing the insignificance of his words. But if you have already interrupted, it is best to apologize and shut up.

Don’t address just one person in a group
It is possible to physically, again directly, “delete” a person from the social circle, without paying any attention to him, or indirectly, ignoring topics that are of interest to him. Speak on topics that are of interest to everyone present!

Don’t be afraid to compliment
Sometimes you can even start to “flatter” – that’s okay! Make a little “tackle” and play on the person’s self-esteem.

Don’t answer in one word
Instead of one word, answer with at least a sentence. Try to open up to the interlocutor, of course, within reasonable limits. Closing down and taking a “defensive position”, you are likely to see the same reaction from him.

Don’t overdo it
“Do not dump out” the whole story of your life on the interlocutor in the first 10 minutes of the conversation – this demonstrates some kind of desperation and gives you away with your head. Learn to create a secret about yourself, intrigue the interlocutor, do not immediately reveal all the details.